La început nu mi-a venit să cred şi am tratat
vestea ca pe un simplu zvon. Văzând însă ştirea pe Mediafax şi confirmarea
chiar pe site-ul organizatorului (Emagic) m-am convins că e pe bune, vom avea
The Wall în România pe 28 august 2013.Pentru mine e ştirea anului.Aşa cum afirmasem în postarea anterioară( la capitolul excepţii), voi striga şi eu prezent în Piaţa Constituţiei la anul în luna lui august.
...just my 2 cents on popular culture
...just my 2 cents on popular culture
luni, 12 noiembrie 2012
marți, 23 octombrie 2012
ARTMANIA 2012 – Cronică întârziată (…şi asta pe fugă)
Din cauza
programului superîncărcat din ultima perioadă, n-am reuşit să ţin legătura cu
online-ul mai deloc, rămânând şi cu o
restanţă pe cronica ARTmania, fapt ce mi-a atras oprobiul public, în cazul ăsta
“publicul” fiind constituit din câţiva amici pe care i-am bătut la cap juma’ de
an cu ARTmania, ARTmania, ARTmania şi
după asta n-am mai zis nici “pâs”.Drept pentru care, recunoscându-mi faptele mârşave, purced la o scurtă rememorare a ceea
ce a fost ARTmania 2012 , ediţia cu numarul VII.
Trebuie să mărturisesc că pentru mine de cativa
ani Artmania nu mai reprezinta doar cele
două zile de concerte propriu-zise ci pretextul de a petrece un miniconcediu de
o săptămână în Sibiu, încercând să văd
cam tot ce se poate vedea prin Sibiu şi împrejurimi (Păltiniş, Ocna etc).
Bineînteles ca felia principală din meniu o constituie tot cele două zile de concerte, dar integrate într-un program mai mare.L-am
vizitat pe Noica la Păltiniş da’ n-am găsit decât doi tineri doctoranzi în
filozofie găzduiţi acolo de Fundaţia Humanitas, după cum se ştie, nenea Noica
s-a mutat din ’87 mai jos la schit.Am făcut ca în fiecare an turul
Brukenthalurilor ( artă, istorie, istorie naturală), purtătorii de braţări
Artmania beneficiind de reduceri substanţiale, la ASTRA pe acelaşi principiu se
intră moca (după estimările organizatorilor 2000 de artmaniaci au vizitat Brukenthalul
si doar 500 Muzeul Astra).Foarte faină ideea organizatorilor, şi aici mă
gândesc inclusiv la Primarie, Consiliul Judeţean & Co de a facilita accesul
hoardelor de roackeri la tot ce înseamnă în plan cultural Sibiul.O foarte bună
autopromovare a valorilor locale, valorificând la maxim potenţialul turistic al
oraşului.Sibiul e printre puţinele locuri din România în care revin de fiecare
dată cu plăcere, indiferent de pretext.Normal că n-am reuşit să acopăr tot ce
aş fi vrut să vad, dar există întotdeauna next
Acuma să revin
la festivalul Artmania în sine.Unde sunt vremurile ( a nu se intelege ca le
regret foarte mult….) in care bateam 1500 de km (dus-intors) pana la Bucuresti
doar pentru concertul UNEI trupe (cu sau fără alte trupe la opening -Nightwish 2005, Candlemass 2005, Lake of Tears 2006, Iron
Maiden 2008, Metallica 2008 etc).Noroc c-a aparut şi în Românica formatul de
festival de metal, unde pe zona festuri medii Artmania e cel mai reprezentativ
şi totodată şi cel mai longeviv (VII ediţii şi cu a VIII-a pe ţeavă) Formatul
de festival are pe lângă avantajul ofertei mai mari şi mai variate şi pe cel
economic ( pe care pe vremuri nu prea îl
luam în considerare da’ după cum se ştie vremurile s-au schimbat, dintr-o
leafă de bugetar nu te poţi lăţi prea mult), oferind la pachet cât pentru 5 concerte
diferite.Vorbesc prin prisma unuia care pentru fiecare concert in parte trebuia
sa mai iau in calcul si noptile nedormite pe tren pe drumul pana si de la concert, oboseala fizică şi psihică
inerentă şi toate angaralele aferente (plus zile libere sau de concediu de la
slujbă).Sincer, de la Sonisphere încoace n-am mai fost la nici măcar un concert
în capitală.Nu e vorba de patriotism local ardelenesc, e vorba strict de
factorii pe care i-am enumerat mai sus.Evident că în cazul în care se anunţă că
unele OZN-uri gen RUSH, DEAD CAN DANCE, CANDLEMASS (nu prea mai au cum), ROGER
WATERS au de gând să aterizeze doar la Bucureşti, voi fi in primul rând.Da’ sa
nu bat apa in piua si sa trec la descrierea ostilitatilor:
TRAIL OF TEARS-Desi ii urmarisem cu
interes pe primele albume, acum parca nu prea m-au convins.Un show ok si
atat.Sa fie si din cauza noii vocaliste?
DEATHSTARS- Din pacate nu mi-au
spus mare lucru, muzical sunt relativ ok.
Un show corect si atat.N-am priceput nici de ce trebuie sa “destroy”
conationalele lor tante suedeze.” and see their blood”.
EPICA-Un show brici de la un
capat la celalalt, cu o Simone Simons impecabila, o sonorizare beton.Daca
lipsea Cry for the moon faceam
plangere la Haga. Multe piese de pe ultimul album, care mi-a parut chiar
DIE TOTEN HOSEN-Capul de afis al
festivalului privind strict ca si box office
Die toten hosen au fost intampinati intr-o atmosfera incendiara datorata
si fanilor nemti pe carei remarcasem
prin Sibiu cu o seara inainte, cu bannere, steaguri, tricouri, creste
punk,etc.Jos palaria pentru atmosfera creeata de acesti devotati trup si suflet
care ma gandesc ca ii urmeaza peste tot in turnee .Nu prea ma pricep eu la punk
da’ nu poti sa nu fii electrificat de ce se petrece la un concert de-al lor. Vocalul
cred ca nici nu mai realiza cand trecea de la engleza la germana, spre
confuzarea spectatorilor care totusi cred ca erau mai familiarizati cu prima. N-am
recunoscut dacat Zehn Kleine
Jaggermeister si coverul The Clash Should
I Stay or Should I Go.
vedea mai jos la FAZE.
ARC GOTHIC -un goth rock/dark wave destul de ok, pacat ca n-au avut prea
multi entuziasti in fata scenei.
ALTERNOSFERA si POETS OF THE FALL n-am prins, mai aveam cateva restante pe
la Muzeul de Istorie si Franz Binder.
DELAIN- Placut
impresionat de prestatia lor.
O Charlotte Wessels sincer surprinsa de reactia publicului, care le-a facut o primire
destul de calda.De punctat micile probleme de sonorizare care marcheaza de
obicei trupele de deshidere. Strambasem din mustati la auditia ultimului album
(dupa mine situat mult sub precedentele), dar cele cateva piese de pe el
prezentate live n-au sunat rau deloc. Am retinut We Are The Others,Milk
And Honey,Get The Devil Out Of Me,The Gathering,Sleepwalker's Dream, Control the Storm, Electricity.Postfactum,cand
scriu aceste randuri, dupa vestea inregimentarii lui Floor la Nightwish ma
loveste o constatare :toate cele 5 mari voci feminine din metalul olandez au
trecut pe la Artmania :Sharon, Anneke, Floor
si acum Simone si Charlotte.
EDGUY- Glumet nevoie mare, chiar daca se mai
resimte dupa accidentul de acum catava vreme, Tobias Sammet a facut un show de zile
mari, cu glumite si parodii cu referire la Bruce Dickinson, Steven Tyler, Lothar
Matthäus.De fapt ce sa te astepti cand trupa intra pe scena pe Last Christmas -
Wham iar pe fundal troneaza un joker imens? Din pacate nu ascultasem prea mult
Edguy pana acum, dar cele cateva concerte vazute pe dvd sau pe youtube m-au
convins ca sunt o excelenta trupa de live.Un plus ar fi si timbrul vocal al lui
Tobias care uneori ma duce cu gandul la Geoff Tate.Din fericire n-au insistat
prea mult pe ultimul album, dupa declaratia lor, fiind primul concert in Romania,
au preferat un best of.N-au lipsit Nobody’s Hero, Tears of a Mandrake,Lavatory
Love Machine, Ministry of Saints, Superheroes, Save Me, Babylon, King of Fools
MY DYING BRIDE. A treia oara in
Romania, a treia oara la Artmania, prima aparitie in postura de headliner.O
sonorizare brici,un sunet monolitic, un Aaron la fel de teatral si de putin
comunicativ, care ne-a spus totusi ca trupa se afla in perioada de
inregistrarea a viitorului LP si ca, de obicei in aceasta perioada nu
concerteaza facand totusi o exceptie pentru Artmania.Desi se lasase frigul, in
afara de ce se petrecea pe scena nu mai simteam nimic.Un live MDB e de neratat
pentru orice doomster care se respecta.Si in acelasi timp o epifanie.Au fost,
in ordine: Your River,Bring Me Victory,Like Gods of the Sun,From Darkest Skies.
The Prize of Beauty, Thy Raven Wings, For You, She Is the Dark,To Remain
Tombless,The Cry of Mankind,My Body, a Funeral si la
bis The Dreadful Hours
-la tot pasul
eram întrebat dacă speak romanian ,
-in timpul concertului Abigail din Piata Mica, eram la Crama Sibiana, taman
la subsol , delectându-ne papilele cu bunataturi.Surprind o discutie intre ospatari
despre growlul lui Mihai Ilie.”Ma duc
afara sa-l vad cum arata si daca-l prind pe strada ii sparg faţa.Ma doare capu, nu mai suport. Nu poate canta
şi el normal, cum se cântă?”Altul- „Oare
ce-o zice el acolo?”-„Naiba-l ştie!”.Adevărul
e că n-am urmărit ştirie locale din Sibiu sa vad daca Mihai Ilie a patit ceva
dupa concert.Eventual oparit cu ciorba la Crama Sibiana.Acuma vorbind serios, recomand cu plăcere localul respectiv, n-a fost zi din cele 6 petrecute în Sibiu în care să nu dau pe acolo.Pentru pofticiosul din mine a fost o adevărată desfatare, totul la preţuri mai mult decât decente.De asemenea recomand şi Unionu cel pionieresc.În schimb n-o să mai dau ever pe la terasa de la Sigi, unde n-am avut parte decât de fiţe hipstereşti.
-daca in fiecare an puteam sa gasesc un „ceva” specific poporului de la
concert, anul asta categoric a fost anul puradeilor de roackeri.Cupluri de
rockeri care si-au adus si copii dupa ei, unii la varste totusi destul de mici.
Pe bune, am asistat si la o schimbare de pampers pe o bancuta de la mesele de
bere.E foarte bine ca sunt obisnuiti copii de mici cu ambianta, anturajul si
gusturile parintilor, dar cu o anumita limita. Nu stiu ce impact pozitiv poate
avea din punct de vedere atat fizic cat si psihic receptionarea la varste
fragede a miilor de wati.Cunosc cazuri de festivaluri de afara unde nu este
permis accesul copiilor sub o anumita varsta fara insotitor matur (evident asta e valabilă şi la noi) si
fara casti de protectie.
- Alex Brandusesc, la intrebarea
daca are tricouri cu Solitude Aeturnus, in afara de xl- ul putin cam mare
pentru mine:Mai asculta cineva asa ceva?I-am
replicat ca nu ma deranja daca avea si un Candlemass, St.Vitus,Count Raven. Nu
prea aduce asa ceva, daca vinde 1-2 la
1 an
e bine.M-am ales in schimb cu un Rush care a facut furori mai
tarziu.Asteptand sa inceapa
ostilitatile in ziua a doua, un nene la 2 metri cu tricou cu Sweden Rock vine tinta spre mine, aratand spre tricoul cu
Rush: Next year in Sweden!
-explozia de gadgeturi steampunk
- de la tot felul de cesulete cu cadrane care de care mai fanteziste pe la
tarabele cu suveniruri si pana la
costumatia fetelor de la Pall Mall.
In loc de concluzie; ne vedem la Artmania 2013!
P.S.Am pus si câteva
poze de la fata locului, fără pretenţii de calitate ci doar pentru ilustrare.
miercuri, 11 iulie 2012
Lume, lume, mai putin de o luna pana la editia cu
numarul 7 a Artmania festival.Se pare ca vom avea de toate, de la doom la punk,
trecand prin heavy si melodic metal.Singura manifestare de gen pe care o voi
putea onora anul acesta.Si singurul fest la care n-am ratat nici macar o
miercuri, 29 februarie 2012
Conform unui comunicat primit astăzi, trupa Dead Can Dance (recent reformată) se va afla în toamna acestui an în turneu european de promovare a noului album.Din păcate România nu se gaseşte pe lista locaţiilor, cel mai apropiat concert fiind cel de la Budapesta de pe 17 octombrie 2012, pe Papp Laszlo Arena.Lista completă a locatiilor o găsiţi mai jos.De asemenea, doritorii pot descărca (gratis şi legal) de pe site-ul trupei un mini EP intitulat Live Happenings – Part III, continând patru piese live.Tot de pe acelaşi site se pot procura şi bilete pentru concertele respective.
19th - HCTAT, Istanbul, Turkey
21st - Earth Theatre, Thessaloniki, Greece
23rd - Lycabetus Theatre, Athens, Greece
25th - MCV, Utrecht, Holland
27th - Grand Rex, Paris, France
29th - Cirque Royal, Brussels, Belgium
1st - Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany
3rd - Tempodrom, Berlin, Germany
5th - CCH, Hamburg, Germany
7th - Philharmonie, Munich, Germany
8th - Philharmonie, Cologne, Germany
10th - KCP, Prague, Czech Republic
12th - Bkz Oktyabrsky, St. Petersburg, Russia
13th - Crocus City Hall, Moscow, Russia
15th - Sala Kongresowa, Warsaw, Poland
17th - Papp Laszlo Arena, Budapest, Hungary
19th - Teatro Degli Arcimboldi, Milan, Italy
20th - Batiment Des Forces Motrices, Geneva, Switzerland
22nd - Auditori, Barcelona, Spain
24th - Casa Da Musica, Porto, Portugal
26th - Royal Albert Hall, London, England
28th - Grand Canal Theatre, Dublin, Ireland
Surse :
luni, 16 ianuarie 2012
(Si aceea de pirati…)
Suedezii au comis-o din nou.Dupa infiintarea si recunoasterea oficiala in 2006 a Partidului Piratilor, partid care in 2009 la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European a obtinut 7% din voturi , de cateva zile Suedia se poate lauda si cu prima biserica a internetului recunoscuta oficial , respectiv Biserica Misionara Suedeza a Kopimismului.Astfel pe 5 ianuarie 2012 Agenţia guvernamentală suedeză Kammarkollegiet a înregistrat oficial Biserica Kopimistă, considerandu-se ca aceasta indeplineste toate criteriile pentru inregistrarea ca si cult religios, printre care şi rugăciunile regulate.
Potrivit liderului si fondatorului Bisericii Kopimismului, studentul la filosofie Isak Gerson, în vârstă de numai 19 ani, această religie este devotată file-sharing-ului şi susţine ideea că informaţia este sacră, iar copierea ei este sfântă.
„Pentru Biserica Kopimistă informaţia este sfântă şi copierea ei este un act sacramental. Informaţia deţine o valoare intrinsecă, prin faptul că este informaţie şi deţine şi o valoare ce-i este oferită de conţinutul său. Aceste valori se multiplică prin actul de copiere. Din aceste considerente copierea este de importanţă centrală pentru organizaţie şi membrii ei”, explică el într-un comunicat.
Doctrina kopimismului susţine că aşa-numitul „kopyacting” - înmulţirea şi împrăştierea informaţiilor prin copiere - este un adevărat serviciu religios, unul dintre preceptele de baza fiind „Copy and seed”. Liderul spiritual al acestei grupări religioase a susţinut că recunoaşterea oficială reprezintă „un uriaş pas înainte”.
Logo-ul Bisericii este "kopimi"(de la copy me), cu litera K inscripţionată într-o piramidă. Pe lângă aceasta, adepţii noului cult mai folosesc şi alte simboluri, precum "CTRL+C" şi "CTRL+V".(combinaţiile de taste pentru „copy” şi „paste”)
Membrii bisericii susţin însă că nu promovează copierea şi distribuirea ilegală de materiale pe internet (sic!), dar militează pentru desfiinţarea drepturilor de autor pentru domeniul online, propunand programe de reformare a copyright-ului si legi clare pentru protejarea dreptului de acces la informatiile online.
Pentru curiosi, acestia au si pagina de internet in limba romana (ramane s-o cautati voi), fiind reprezentati de Societatea Kopimista Romana, evitandu-se folosirea termenului de “Biserica”, neindeplinind conditiile pentru a fi recunoscuta ca atare de catre autoritatile romane.
Surse: -
O analiza mai amanuntita gasiti si pe
Suedezii au comis-o din nou.Dupa infiintarea si recunoasterea oficiala in 2006 a Partidului Piratilor, partid care in 2009 la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European a obtinut 7% din voturi , de cateva zile Suedia se poate lauda si cu prima biserica a internetului recunoscuta oficial , respectiv Biserica Misionara Suedeza a Kopimismului.Astfel pe 5 ianuarie 2012 Agenţia guvernamentală suedeză Kammarkollegiet a înregistrat oficial Biserica Kopimistă, considerandu-se ca aceasta indeplineste toate criteriile pentru inregistrarea ca si cult religios, printre care şi rugăciunile regulate.
Potrivit liderului si fondatorului Bisericii Kopimismului, studentul la filosofie Isak Gerson, în vârstă de numai 19 ani, această religie este devotată file-sharing-ului şi susţine ideea că informaţia este sacră, iar copierea ei este sfântă.
„Pentru Biserica Kopimistă informaţia este sfântă şi copierea ei este un act sacramental. Informaţia deţine o valoare intrinsecă, prin faptul că este informaţie şi deţine şi o valoare ce-i este oferită de conţinutul său. Aceste valori se multiplică prin actul de copiere. Din aceste considerente copierea este de importanţă centrală pentru organizaţie şi membrii ei”, explică el într-un comunicat.
Doctrina kopimismului susţine că aşa-numitul „kopyacting” - înmulţirea şi împrăştierea informaţiilor prin copiere - este un adevărat serviciu religios, unul dintre preceptele de baza fiind „Copy and seed”. Liderul spiritual al acestei grupări religioase a susţinut că recunoaşterea oficială reprezintă „un uriaş pas înainte”.
Logo-ul Bisericii este "kopimi"(de la copy me), cu litera K inscripţionată într-o piramidă. Pe lângă aceasta, adepţii noului cult mai folosesc şi alte simboluri, precum "CTRL+C" şi "CTRL+V".(combinaţiile de taste pentru „copy” şi „paste”)
Membrii bisericii susţin însă că nu promovează copierea şi distribuirea ilegală de materiale pe internet (sic!), dar militează pentru desfiinţarea drepturilor de autor pentru domeniul online, propunand programe de reformare a copyright-ului si legi clare pentru protejarea dreptului de acces la informatiile online.
Pentru curiosi, acestia au si pagina de internet in limba romana (ramane s-o cautati voi), fiind reprezentati de Societatea Kopimista Romana, evitandu-se folosirea termenului de “Biserica”, neindeplinind conditiile pentru a fi recunoscuta ca atare de catre autoritatile romane.
Surse: -
O analiza mai amanuntita gasiti si pe
marți, 10 ianuarie 2012
Aveam altceva pregatit pe teava dar am amanat orice pentru doua vesti proaspete, dintre care una mai putin buna:
Tony Iommi, legendarul chitarist al formatiei BLACK SABBATH a fost diagnosticat cu o forma incipienta de limfom, un cancer al sistemului limfatic.Conform, Iommy (63 de ani) urmeaza sa stabileasca impreuna cu doctorii sai programul de tratament care va fi urmat si spera intr-o recuperare totala.Se pare ca aceasta veste nu va afecta planurile formatiei de a lansa in toamna primul album Black Sabbath in formula de aur, cu Ozzy Osbourne (vocals), Tony Iommi (guitar), Geezer Butler (bass) si Bill Ward (drums), dupa 33 de ani.Mai multe puteti citi aici.
Primul impuls cand am citit stirea a fost de genul “not again” dupa ce Dio ne parasise in 2010 din cauza unui cancer la stomac.Era prea frumos sa-i fi prins pe toti la Sonisphere 2010 in formula HEAVEN & HELL (evident fara Ozzy).Nu pot decat sa urez insanatosire grabnica tatucului doom metalului si sa il vedem cat mai repede la treaba!
Saint Vitus a facut publica data lansarii noului album de studio, al optulea din cariera.Acesta va purta numele "Lillie: F-65" ( primul disc din 1995 incoace) si va fi lansat in data de 23 martie 2012 in Europa, respectiv 27 martie 2012 in Statele Unite via Season of Mist.
Saint Vitus in 2012 inseamna :
Scott "Wino" Weinrich - voce
Dave Chandler – chitara
Mark Adams - bas
Henry Vasquez - tobe
In avanpremiera o piesa de pe viitorul album:
Surse:- - (I) si (II)
- Metalfan - (I) si (II)
Pe aceeasi tema: Black Sabbath –reuniune in 2012
Pentagram – Last rites ,2011
Pentagram – When the screams come DVD
The n+1 rules of doom metal
Tony Iommi, legendarul chitarist al formatiei BLACK SABBATH a fost diagnosticat cu o forma incipienta de limfom, un cancer al sistemului limfatic.Conform, Iommy (63 de ani) urmeaza sa stabileasca impreuna cu doctorii sai programul de tratament care va fi urmat si spera intr-o recuperare totala.Se pare ca aceasta veste nu va afecta planurile formatiei de a lansa in toamna primul album Black Sabbath in formula de aur, cu Ozzy Osbourne (vocals), Tony Iommi (guitar), Geezer Butler (bass) si Bill Ward (drums), dupa 33 de ani.Mai multe puteti citi aici.
Primul impuls cand am citit stirea a fost de genul “not again” dupa ce Dio ne parasise in 2010 din cauza unui cancer la stomac.Era prea frumos sa-i fi prins pe toti la Sonisphere 2010 in formula HEAVEN & HELL (evident fara Ozzy).Nu pot decat sa urez insanatosire grabnica tatucului doom metalului si sa il vedem cat mai repede la treaba!
Saint Vitus a facut publica data lansarii noului album de studio, al optulea din cariera.Acesta va purta numele "Lillie: F-65" ( primul disc din 1995 incoace) si va fi lansat in data de 23 martie 2012 in Europa, respectiv 27 martie 2012 in Statele Unite via Season of Mist.
Saint Vitus in 2012 inseamna :
Scott "Wino" Weinrich - voce
Dave Chandler – chitara
Mark Adams - bas
Henry Vasquez - tobe
In avanpremiera o piesa de pe viitorul album:
Surse:- - (I) si (II)
- Metalfan - (I) si (II)
Pe aceeasi tema: Black Sabbath –reuniune in 2012
Pentagram – Last rites ,2011
Pentagram – When the screams come DVD
The n+1 rules of doom metal
miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2012
Fiind primul post pe anul ăsta, mi-am zis că n-ar fi rău să ne mai descreţim frunţile.Căutând recent ceva pe un HDD mai vechi, am dat şi peste nişte fişiere salvate prin 2004-2005 de pe te miri unde (pe vremea aceea accesul la net permanent şi la mare viteză era pentru mine o utopie şi mi se părea de o importanţă capitală să salvez pe hard şi apoi să scriu pe cd/dvd tot ce prindeam ). Printre ele şi celebrele la vremea lor “100 rules of doom metal”'(la fel ca şi cele apărute pentru black, death, power etc).Apucându-mâ nostalgiile, am încercat să găsesc pe net cine au fost “legislatorii” originari. Cu stupoare am aflat că de fapt cele 100 de reguli de care ştiam erau 196, ba nu, erau 499 sau chiar 1400.Se vădea un ditamai Codex doomsteresc.Înseamnă că ce aveam eu era doar un ciot, vorba wikipediei.
Reproduc mai jos câteva dintre acestea, probabil ca mulţi dintre voi le ştiţi deja. Nu, nu m-am dus până la 1400…
1.Life is too short to experience all that is good.
2. Life is too long to enjoy living.
3. Every day is a funeral.
4. Do not wear anything but flat black clothes and combat boots.
5. Do not smile.
6. Do not laugh.
7. Death Doom is not slow Death Metal, unless you think it is.
8. Doom Metal is not Death Metal with a violin.
9. No matter what anyone says, that vocalist is not the Cookie Monster.
10. I said "No laughing!!!"
11. No matter what anyone says, you're not a Goth.
12. While a black teddy bear with a broken heart hanging from a noose on your windshield may very well symbolize your tortured inner nature, it's not very metal.
13. It is acceptable to listen to non-doomy music if you play it at 1/4 of its normal tempo.
14. You may complain about an album's production unless it is a Thergothon release.
15. You will own Thergothon's 'Stream From The Heavens', but never listen to it because of the bad sound quality.
16. Spend years looking for that extremely rare limited to 500 copies vinyl only release that you must own, then listen to it twice in your lifetime.
17. You must never admit to liking a "fast part" on a doom CD, unless it is Disembowelment.
18. Watch incomprehensible cult movies with no plot, storyline or anything remotely interesting happening because "it's doomy!".
19. You can make fun of Nazis unless the said Nazi is Fucked up Mad Max. Then you can overlook his beliefs because his "music was good".
20. Album covers must contain one of the following: Ruins, Spirits in agony, A cemetery sculpture of an angel, or a pretty painting of heaven.
21. But you're not a Goth!
22. As a Doomster, you're too apathetic to engage in silly music genre debates.
23. Unless someone calls you Gothic, then it's on.
24. Always let your goat listen first to a new CD, so she may consider if it's good or bad for you.
25. Kitty cats are not appropriate pets unless they're black and depressed.
26. You must appreciate folk polka metal because polka is dark, emotional and "...really doomier than Serenades when you think about it."
27. Consider yourself open-minded about music.
28. Consider all other metal narrow-minded, especially "True Norwegian Black Metal!"
29. Ignore the contradiction of the above two rules.
30. If you're a traditional doom fan, you must complain endlessly about My Dying Bride, and call all the non-trad fans "Gothic Fags." Also complain about Droning doom because it's not music.
31. If you’re a Sludge Doom fan moan that Trad doom is really Heavy Rock.
32. If you’re a Stoner Doom Fan, you are not paranoid. They are all out to get you.
33. If you're a Doom/Death fan, you must complain endlessly about Droning Doom because it's even slower and more boring than what you listen to. Also complain about trad-doom because half the vocalists sound like they've been castrated.
34. If you're a fan of Droning Doom, you're probably too busy zoning on the droning to be reading this list, or to even care.
35. Remember Rule 22. You do not engage in silly music genre debates.
36. If someone says Doom-Metal is a mix between Death-Metal and Gothic-Metal, kick him in the nuts (assuming he has some, and you're not fixated on an Earth CD at the time, in which case you probably wouldn't hear a word he said anyway).
37. Make sure your CD's artwork includes a big thank you to all those imaginary friends that helped you out, including the guy who made the coffee, just in case everyone starts calling you 'Billy-No-Mates'.
38. If you find yourself describing your favourite piece of music as "Joyful," "A bright ray of sunshine," or "the super happy fun song," there's a slight chance that it's not Doom.
39. Doom Reviews containing descriptions such as "Crushing," "Monolithic," "Depressive," and "Suicidal" are good reviews... and yes, these are complimentary terms!
40. If you feel down, then listen to some truly soul crushing, suicidal doom to cheer you up.
41. If you are Doom, you are probably from Finland or Yorkshire.
42. Even if you're not Doom, if you're from Finland, you're probably still a miserable bastard.
43. No matter how slow you play, you can always play slower.
44. If there are more than 30 beats per minute, the music is too fast.
45. If you play anything above 30 bpm, you are probably Pop music, unless you are Disembowelment.
46. If Skepticism suddenly decides to play something above 30 bpm, then we will make an exception for them too, but this is very unlikely.
47. Make sure to include such words as "Emptiness," "Dying," "Solitude," "Cold," "Night," "Despair," "Demon," "Caress," "Darkness," and "Shadows" in your band name, song titles, and lyrics. Arrange them in faux poetic ways such as "In the Cold Demon's Caress, I lay Dying," "Dark Emptiness," "In Demonic Shadows, I Despair." "Empty Shadows of Death," and one that every True Doomster should relate to: "Nights of Solitude."
48. Only the first two albums of a band are True™ doom.
49. Disband after the first album or mini-cd and you're CULT!
50. Never let your audience know if your new song is an instrumental or not until you really have to. Give them at least 3 minutes to guess how the song will turn out.
51. Record 6 songs that span over the length of 2 full CDs. Obviously intro's, outro's and short intermezzo's (on both disks) are included in the song count.
52. You must make fun of Black Metal musicians taking pictures in the woods. Promptly afterwards you will have your band-mate follow you into a thicket by the local cemetery with a 35mm camera for "band shots".
53. True™ doom lyrical content must include references to: a relative, spouse, fiancée or pet dying, or abstract explorations of getting dumped by your girlfriend.
54. If you reference all of the above in a single song, you qualify for "Sooper Dooper Pooper Scooper True Cult Doom" status. An example of this would be: "Rover has passed into the frozen wastes of Kadath, and my heart has been rent from my ribcage by thee, temptress bitch."
55. There have to be at least 3 different songs with the same name in your repertoire. (You may put a number after it if you want, such as "Rover, My Temptress Bitch MXVIII.")
56. While practicing your death metal "Cookie Monster" vocals, resist the temptation to write songs about how much the chocolate chips long to join the sugary dough for one last dip into the pond of milk white purity before being thrown into the gaping maw of a ravenous muppet.
57. Most importantly, and I can't stress this enough: Be from Finland!
58. A Funeral Doom riff should last a minimum of 15 seconds, and repeat itself for at least 16 minutes.
59. You know you are a funeral doomster when you find yourself saying, “Black Sabbath just play too fast.”
60. If you’re a traditional doomster, rip off Black Sabbath, Saint Vitus, Obsessed, Pagan Altar and Pentagram, then claim any similarity is pure coincidence.
61. Mourn the loss of Paradise Lost a once great band.
62. Violinists are not necessarily gay.
63. The mark of good funeral doom is whether you can get a beer from the fridge in the time between two snare hits.
64. True doomsters are too depressed to go to band practice.
65. Using occult symbols in your song titles does not make you a wizard.
66. Doomsters are not kvlt, tr00, gr1m or pretentious.
67. Hide your Darkthrone records when one of your doomed mates visits.
68. Any song shorter than 8 minutes is an 'Intro'.
69. Doom bands should not be popular, unless they're disbanded, then they are CULT.
70. Don't go out, unless the weather's cold and dreary.
71. Funerals are your favourite pastime.
72. State explicitly that doom bands are interesting and varied, then record a song with one riff the entire 20 minutes of the track
73. If you are no longer doom, say you've "progressed" and deny that any previous doom recording even existed.
74. Sing along in the bath to your favourite doom band, then deny it because you’re too "depressed" to sing to yourself in the bath
75. Doomsters listen to a variety of music, are able to appreciate many music forms, and laugh at the shit non-doomsters listen to.
76. All doom bands are pioneering even if they sounds like every other doom band
77. Keep tours to a minimum, if people want to see you they have to be cult enough to travel at least 20,000miles
78. If more than 20 people ever come to one of your shows, you have to break up or else you're a sell-out
79. Name your demos and albums with strange titles like "Cthulghy Hyoyrto Skyththte", or "Jhihhee Eliidhhddeenn Fffffhhhhttthjhjuuuuu". By doing this, your band will look really avant garde, progressive and doom.
80. Be tired and indifferent during interviews. Your answers should contain at least 10 long-structured sentences. Otherwise, you are just a punk rock prick.
81. Doom musicians don't move at gigs. If they move, they are not doom.
82. Same applies to the audience.
83. Do not update your band’s website.
84. If your fellow-band members are manic-depressive, make sure you quit before they reach the manic phase!
85. Never respond to e-mails, especially if they are asking to buy your CD.
86. Don't release any of your tracks on the internet, so people can't find out how you sound. And when do finally release your album, release it in an obscure label from Australia that refuses to distribute any of the 500 printed copies.
87. If possible, do not release anything when you're band is still together. After you're disbanded release your abominable rehearsal tapes and sell them with outrageous prices.
88. Artwork should only use official doom colours. Fluorescent primaries are not doom, neither is ‘Barbie Pink’.
89. Make really happy music and sing about always looking on the bright side of life... Eric Idle is doom?… Life's a bowl of shit, when you look at it!
90. If someone can recognize one of your band members in a picture, you are not doom.
91. Do not betray your favourite band by wearing one of their T-Shirts. If someone sees it and listens to them, they will become popular and hence commercial sell-out shit.
92. Re-re-re-re-release your demo on tape or vinyl, but not on cd, and make sure no one ever will be able to buy it
93. You know when you are listening to doom when you’re out cycling and old ladies walk past you.
94. You know when you are listening to doom when that snail jumps out in front of you.
95. The mark of a good Funeral Doom album is to put it on, go to sleep and find it's still playing when you wake up.
96. Make sure your booklet doesn't contain lyrics or information of any sort.
97. Doom should sound like being alone, naked, with no food, or water, in the middle of a terrible blizzard, with a lot of hatred and pain in your heart, while being on drugs. If it doesn’t go see a doctor of doom.
98. Finland, Finland, Finland, the country where I want to be, pony trekking or camping, or just watching TV. Finland, Finland, Finland, it's the country for me!
99. Always keep the curtains closed, use candles is you must have light.
2. Life is too long to enjoy living.
3. Every day is a funeral.
4. Do not wear anything but flat black clothes and combat boots.
5. Do not smile.
6. Do not laugh.
7. Death Doom is not slow Death Metal, unless you think it is.
8. Doom Metal is not Death Metal with a violin.
9. No matter what anyone says, that vocalist is not the Cookie Monster.
10. I said "No laughing!!!"
11. No matter what anyone says, you're not a Goth.
12. While a black teddy bear with a broken heart hanging from a noose on your windshield may very well symbolize your tortured inner nature, it's not very metal.
13. It is acceptable to listen to non-doomy music if you play it at 1/4 of its normal tempo.
14. You may complain about an album's production unless it is a Thergothon release.
15. You will own Thergothon's 'Stream From The Heavens', but never listen to it because of the bad sound quality.
16. Spend years looking for that extremely rare limited to 500 copies vinyl only release that you must own, then listen to it twice in your lifetime.
17. You must never admit to liking a "fast part" on a doom CD, unless it is Disembowelment.
18. Watch incomprehensible cult movies with no plot, storyline or anything remotely interesting happening because "it's doomy!".
19. You can make fun of Nazis unless the said Nazi is Fucked up Mad Max. Then you can overlook his beliefs because his "music was good".
20. Album covers must contain one of the following: Ruins, Spirits in agony, A cemetery sculpture of an angel, or a pretty painting of heaven.
21. But you're not a Goth!
22. As a Doomster, you're too apathetic to engage in silly music genre debates.
23. Unless someone calls you Gothic, then it's on.
24. Always let your goat listen first to a new CD, so she may consider if it's good or bad for you.
25. Kitty cats are not appropriate pets unless they're black and depressed.
26. You must appreciate folk polka metal because polka is dark, emotional and "...really doomier than Serenades when you think about it."
27. Consider yourself open-minded about music.
28. Consider all other metal narrow-minded, especially "True Norwegian Black Metal!"
29. Ignore the contradiction of the above two rules.
30. If you're a traditional doom fan, you must complain endlessly about My Dying Bride, and call all the non-trad fans "Gothic Fags." Also complain about Droning doom because it's not music.
31. If you’re a Sludge Doom fan moan that Trad doom is really Heavy Rock.
32. If you’re a Stoner Doom Fan, you are not paranoid. They are all out to get you.
33. If you're a Doom/Death fan, you must complain endlessly about Droning Doom because it's even slower and more boring than what you listen to. Also complain about trad-doom because half the vocalists sound like they've been castrated.
34. If you're a fan of Droning Doom, you're probably too busy zoning on the droning to be reading this list, or to even care.
35. Remember Rule 22. You do not engage in silly music genre debates.
36. If someone says Doom-Metal is a mix between Death-Metal and Gothic-Metal, kick him in the nuts (assuming he has some, and you're not fixated on an Earth CD at the time, in which case you probably wouldn't hear a word he said anyway).
37. Make sure your CD's artwork includes a big thank you to all those imaginary friends that helped you out, including the guy who made the coffee, just in case everyone starts calling you 'Billy-No-Mates'.
38. If you find yourself describing your favourite piece of music as "Joyful," "A bright ray of sunshine," or "the super happy fun song," there's a slight chance that it's not Doom.
39. Doom Reviews containing descriptions such as "Crushing," "Monolithic," "Depressive," and "Suicidal" are good reviews... and yes, these are complimentary terms!
40. If you feel down, then listen to some truly soul crushing, suicidal doom to cheer you up.
41. If you are Doom, you are probably from Finland or Yorkshire.
42. Even if you're not Doom, if you're from Finland, you're probably still a miserable bastard.
43. No matter how slow you play, you can always play slower.
44. If there are more than 30 beats per minute, the music is too fast.
45. If you play anything above 30 bpm, you are probably Pop music, unless you are Disembowelment.
46. If Skepticism suddenly decides to play something above 30 bpm, then we will make an exception for them too, but this is very unlikely.
47. Make sure to include such words as "Emptiness," "Dying," "Solitude," "Cold," "Night," "Despair," "Demon," "Caress," "Darkness," and "Shadows" in your band name, song titles, and lyrics. Arrange them in faux poetic ways such as "In the Cold Demon's Caress, I lay Dying," "Dark Emptiness," "In Demonic Shadows, I Despair." "Empty Shadows of Death," and one that every True Doomster should relate to: "Nights of Solitude."
48. Only the first two albums of a band are True™ doom.
49. Disband after the first album or mini-cd and you're CULT!
50. Never let your audience know if your new song is an instrumental or not until you really have to. Give them at least 3 minutes to guess how the song will turn out.
51. Record 6 songs that span over the length of 2 full CDs. Obviously intro's, outro's and short intermezzo's (on both disks) are included in the song count.
52. You must make fun of Black Metal musicians taking pictures in the woods. Promptly afterwards you will have your band-mate follow you into a thicket by the local cemetery with a 35mm camera for "band shots".
53. True™ doom lyrical content must include references to: a relative, spouse, fiancée or pet dying, or abstract explorations of getting dumped by your girlfriend.
54. If you reference all of the above in a single song, you qualify for "Sooper Dooper Pooper Scooper True Cult Doom" status. An example of this would be: "Rover has passed into the frozen wastes of Kadath, and my heart has been rent from my ribcage by thee, temptress bitch."
55. There have to be at least 3 different songs with the same name in your repertoire. (You may put a number after it if you want, such as "Rover, My Temptress Bitch MXVIII.")
56. While practicing your death metal "Cookie Monster" vocals, resist the temptation to write songs about how much the chocolate chips long to join the sugary dough for one last dip into the pond of milk white purity before being thrown into the gaping maw of a ravenous muppet.
57. Most importantly, and I can't stress this enough: Be from Finland!
58. A Funeral Doom riff should last a minimum of 15 seconds, and repeat itself for at least 16 minutes.
59. You know you are a funeral doomster when you find yourself saying, “Black Sabbath just play too fast.”
60. If you’re a traditional doomster, rip off Black Sabbath, Saint Vitus, Obsessed, Pagan Altar and Pentagram, then claim any similarity is pure coincidence.
61. Mourn the loss of Paradise Lost a once great band.
62. Violinists are not necessarily gay.
63. The mark of good funeral doom is whether you can get a beer from the fridge in the time between two snare hits.
64. True doomsters are too depressed to go to band practice.
65. Using occult symbols in your song titles does not make you a wizard.
66. Doomsters are not kvlt, tr00, gr1m or pretentious.
67. Hide your Darkthrone records when one of your doomed mates visits.
68. Any song shorter than 8 minutes is an 'Intro'.
69. Doom bands should not be popular, unless they're disbanded, then they are CULT.
70. Don't go out, unless the weather's cold and dreary.
71. Funerals are your favourite pastime.
72. State explicitly that doom bands are interesting and varied, then record a song with one riff the entire 20 minutes of the track
73. If you are no longer doom, say you've "progressed" and deny that any previous doom recording even existed.
74. Sing along in the bath to your favourite doom band, then deny it because you’re too "depressed" to sing to yourself in the bath
75. Doomsters listen to a variety of music, are able to appreciate many music forms, and laugh at the shit non-doomsters listen to.
76. All doom bands are pioneering even if they sounds like every other doom band
77. Keep tours to a minimum, if people want to see you they have to be cult enough to travel at least 20,000miles
78. If more than 20 people ever come to one of your shows, you have to break up or else you're a sell-out
79. Name your demos and albums with strange titles like "Cthulghy Hyoyrto Skyththte", or "Jhihhee Eliidhhddeenn Fffffhhhhttthjhjuuuuu". By doing this, your band will look really avant garde, progressive and doom.
80. Be tired and indifferent during interviews. Your answers should contain at least 10 long-structured sentences. Otherwise, you are just a punk rock prick.
81. Doom musicians don't move at gigs. If they move, they are not doom.
82. Same applies to the audience.
83. Do not update your band’s website.
84. If your fellow-band members are manic-depressive, make sure you quit before they reach the manic phase!
85. Never respond to e-mails, especially if they are asking to buy your CD.
86. Don't release any of your tracks on the internet, so people can't find out how you sound. And when do finally release your album, release it in an obscure label from Australia that refuses to distribute any of the 500 printed copies.
87. If possible, do not release anything when you're band is still together. After you're disbanded release your abominable rehearsal tapes and sell them with outrageous prices.
88. Artwork should only use official doom colours. Fluorescent primaries are not doom, neither is ‘Barbie Pink’.
89. Make really happy music and sing about always looking on the bright side of life... Eric Idle is doom?… Life's a bowl of shit, when you look at it!
90. If someone can recognize one of your band members in a picture, you are not doom.
91. Do not betray your favourite band by wearing one of their T-Shirts. If someone sees it and listens to them, they will become popular and hence commercial sell-out shit.
92. Re-re-re-re-release your demo on tape or vinyl, but not on cd, and make sure no one ever will be able to buy it
93. You know when you are listening to doom when you’re out cycling and old ladies walk past you.
94. You know when you are listening to doom when that snail jumps out in front of you.
95. The mark of a good Funeral Doom album is to put it on, go to sleep and find it's still playing when you wake up.
96. Make sure your booklet doesn't contain lyrics or information of any sort.
97. Doom should sound like being alone, naked, with no food, or water, in the middle of a terrible blizzard, with a lot of hatred and pain in your heart, while being on drugs. If it doesn’t go see a doctor of doom.
98. Finland, Finland, Finland, the country where I want to be, pony trekking or camping, or just watching TV. Finland, Finland, Finland, it's the country for me!
99. Always keep the curtains closed, use candles is you must have light.
Eu m-am oprit aici.Pentru cine vrea să aprofundeze poate merge până la 196, 499 sau chiar 1400. Have fun.
LA MULTI ANI si un 2012 cat mai plin de metale tuturor!!!
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Pe aceeasi tema: Pentagram – Last rites ,2011
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Doom news : Black Sabbath &Saint Vitus
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